Get amazing high quality PPV landing pages.
Easy PPV profits template features :
Color Selection:
We know that people react certain ways to certain colors. So we kept this in mind, as color can make big difference for landing page design especially for PPV landing pages.
Animation is a great way to grab someones attention so long as it is not annoying, and has “proven” to improve CTR & Sales for your campaigns.
Professional Copywriting:
Without good copy you are wasting your time. A short pithy message that gets someone to take action. We paid a professional copywriter to add copy to these templates.
Geo-Location Script:
Geo-Location Script will “locate” your visitors location inside the template automatically. As an example if your visitors came from New York area, the template will be created text like [Are you from New York area?]
Countdown Timer Script:
Count down timers have always worked to create urgency. No matter if you love or hate them, they work. This script we have used to add urgency and is another element that make these PPV Templates stand out.
Keyword Targeted Script:
This script is also really powerful and saves time, let s ʼsay your bidding domain name like “” inside your PPV Campaign Keyword,the template will automaticly created the keyword “variable” inside the template itself.
Landing Page Dimension:
All of the templates are created unique for PPV Traffic Source, so they have the right dimension for the Top 3 PPV Companies which is 755×550 (Max). So you donʼt need to worry if your template will be overlapped because itʼs too long or too big, but this does not mean you can’t use them for other sources of traffic.
Audio Background:
Did you know you can add audio as background for your ppv landing page? Yes thatʼs what big players used. Audio has been proven to increase conversions. We have created thirty unique professionally recorded audio backgrounds.
Demo :
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Posted On: June 20th, 2011
Categories: Web Templates
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